*Note: I'm currently 16 weeks, but going back and updating now that our little secret is out!
We put up our tree and Christmas lights this week! And we went to see Dr. Roseff one last time for our genetics appointment. Baby is healthy, and a BOY! We're team Blue :)
After finding out baby is a boy, I started to do a little shopping :) I found the perfect book ends for his books with bulldogs on them. I'll spray paint them a happy color later. He also has some clothes and puzzles now!
We put up our tree and Christmas lights this week! And we went to see Dr. Roseff one last time for our genetics appointment. Baby is healthy, and a BOY! We're team Blue :)
How far along: 12 weeks
Maternity clothes: Started wearing some of the pants because they are much more comfortable even if my regular clothes technically still fit!
Sleep: Sleeping well, and a lot!
Best moment this week: Finding out we have a healthy SON!
Miss anything? Making it through the day without nausea, hoping it ends soon!
Movement: nope
Cravings: none. I feel sick all the time. Peanut butter toast is one of the things I can consistently eat without getting sick. I'm also loving Scooby-Doo! fruit snacks :)
Sick or queasy? usually queasy and nauseated around 9-10 am and in the evenings.
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? On
Looking forward to: Our first appointment with Dr. Patel and seeing baby boy on the ultrasound again! After finding out baby is a boy, I started to do a little shopping :) I found the perfect book ends for his books with bulldogs on them. I'll spray paint them a happy color later. He also has some clothes and puzzles now!
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