Archive for December 2020

Gift Guide for Kids

December 15, 2020

 Better late than never? This list is full of Jacob's personal favorites, as well as a few items off his wish list! Most of these are awesome for girls or boys. 

ONE. Who doesn't love a classic set of dominoes? Jacob has recently become interested in the night sky (thank you cub scouts!) and would love this set with moon phases instead of dots. 

TWO. The cutest little penny board for new skateboarders. I just love those little stripes underneath. 

THREE. Nintendo Switch. He's obsessed. Enough said. His favorite games are Mario games, if you're looking for some recommendations. He asked Santa for Super Mario Brothers All Stars. 

FOUR. Jacob's Sammy. Warmies are stuffed animals with lavender scented beads inside for a relaxing sleep. They can even be warmed up in the microwave for ultimate comfort. We just sent a polar bear one to our new nephew. 

FIVE. A classic trucker hat. Inspired by our summer travels to Washington. 

SIX. Magic Tree House books are our current bedtime read aloud. Jacob loves Jack and Annie's adventures and there are so many you'll probably age out of them before you run out of them. 

SEVEN. Am I the only one who's kids feet are growing at super speed? We love the bright colors and camo print on this pair of trainers. 

EIGHT. A little something to get kiddos playing outside. We gave Jacob THIS glow in the dark soccer ball for Easter and it was such a hit we're adding some goals to his equipment collection. 

Have you finished all your shopping or are you team last minute??