Mommy and Daddy had to work on Tuesday so you spent the Day with Pop pop and Mimi.
Mommy was so excited on Tuesday night because she gets the next 5 days off with you!
On Wednesday Mommy got to stay home with you :)
Thursday was your first Thanksgiving.
We went to Pop pop and Mimis, your great nanny was there, and you tried some sweet potatoes!
We didn't do any shopping on Friday. We hung out at home and started to get ready for Christmas instead.
On Saturday it was the big UofM/Ohio State game. Unfortunately, we didn't win.
you tried some banana oatmeal for the first time and loved it!
Then when Daddy got home from work we went shopping for the perfect Christmas tree.We also got you some jammies and a movie to start a Christmas eve tradition.
Sunday we did a little Christmas shopping, but mostly we took it easy at home :)
On Monday you stayed home with Daddy :)
You love your puppies more and more every day and they are so patient with you. Sometimes you pull Leo's fur too hard and he yelps, but never bites.
Happy 24 weeks!
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