Little man turned 3 months old this week!
We went out to brunch to celebrate! We went to an Indian/American fusion place near our house. Daddy tried some spicy Indian breakfast, but Mommy stuck to her old favorites.
You've been waking up so happy in the mornings!
You are really starting to grab on to things. You like to pull mommy's hair, and put your toys in your mouth!
We got you a mirror this week to look at while you do tummy time. Mommy thinks it looks like a fun house mirror, but you love to look at yourself!
You are 'talking' so much more now!
Friday we took you out for happy hour with some of mommy's friends at Duffy's. You got to meet Morgan who is only 5 days older than you!!
You were entranced by all the lights and t.v.s
After happy hour we browsed around T.J. Maxx and Homegoods. They had their halloween stuff out already so we picked up a few things for you :) Then we stopped into coldstone for mommy's favorite - oreo shakes.
Saturday we met Daddy downtown on his break for lunch. You were asleep when we got there but once you woke up you were so happy laughing and smiling at the waitresses and 'talking' to us.
You love Facetime with Grandma ;)
You are 'talking' so much more now!
Friday we took you out for happy hour with some of mommy's friends at Duffy's. You got to meet Morgan who is only 5 days older than you!!
You were entranced by all the lights and t.v.s
After happy hour we browsed around T.J. Maxx and Homegoods. They had their halloween stuff out already so we picked up a few things for you :) Then we stopped into coldstone for mommy's favorite - oreo shakes.
Saturday we met Daddy downtown on his break for lunch. You were asleep when we got there but once you woke up you were so happy laughing and smiling at the waitresses and 'talking' to us.
Here's to three amazing months!!
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