You were much happier this week! You've been babbling all day long and "singing" along when you hear music.
We've settled into a routine where mommy takes care of laundry and dishes during your morning nap and preps dinner during your afternoon nap.
Now that it's October we're getting ready for your first Halloween! We pulled out your Halloween jammies and hung up decorations for Friday.
You were happy to sit outside and relax while Daddy hung the decorations :)
On Saturday we went down to Pompano Beach to a park to have your fall/Halloween pictures taken. The park has a petting farm, steam train and Butterfly World, so we will definitely be going back one day when we have more time!
Then on Sunday we went to the pumpkin patch.
We rode on the hay ride all around the farm. You loved looking at everything and we even saw an alligator in one of the canals!
Next we walked through the corn maze and we almost got lost!
We finished our trip to the farm with cider and donuts. We let you hold a donut and your eyes lit up when you tasted some of the sugar that got all over your hands!
One day next week we'll carve your special pumpkin
After the farm we went shopping at Old Navy. Daddy looked for pants while we tried on Halloween hats. We loved this bat one, but we didn't get it because it will never be cold enough for you to wear it outside!
Then we went to see Mimi and Pop Pop and watch some football.
You are my little shopping buddy. You never cry or get upset when we run errands. You either fall asleep or you are wide awake taking everything in and talking to me.
Your favorite time of the day is when we go for walks in your stroller. Sometimes we even go two or three times a day! You love to be outside.
You're still working very hard on your hand/eye and muscle coordination and you are getting so strong! You can grab objects and pull them towards you and hold up your head so well now.
You still love bathtime!
Sixteen week sweetie
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