Oh my goodness. Who else is feeling the wrath of Daylight Savings time today? I swear it was invented by someone who hates parents. There just is not enough coffee in the whole world to make it through until bedtime.
This weekend was our town's annual St. Patrick's Day parade! It's one of our favorite weekends of the year! There's a big festival with rides, crafts, FOOD STANDS, and of course, the parade! It's always crazy busy but thankfully this year it wasn't too hot, thanks to a nice breeze.
This weekend was our town's annual St. Patrick's Day parade! It's one of our favorite weekends of the year! There's a big festival with rides, crafts, FOOD STANDS, and of course, the parade! It's always crazy busy but thankfully this year it wasn't too hot, thanks to a nice breeze.
My favorite part is when the bagpipers march down, with their beautiful music; and I always cry when they all the veterans get wheeled past. There was a fire troop from Dublin in the parade this year and when they passed the gigantic Irish flag flying from a top two fire trucks they stopped to salute, which I thought was very touching. Jacob of course loves all the fire trucks, police cars, and floats with music - anything that makes noise! He was also super interested in the Army helicopter that was on top of one of the floats, that thing was huge, I was a little afraid it wasn't going to clear the tree lined street but they had the propellers lined up just right to fit down the parade route!
There's always quite a bit of waiting involved with parade day since you have to arrive early to get a seat. We passed some of the time watching them raise the ladders on two of the fire trucks and then hoisting up the big Irish flag, but after that we had to grab a seat and once you sit you're stuck. A smart mom, comes prepared. I made a yummy snack to bring this year - leprechaun crunch, and it was a huge hit!
Here's the simple recipe!
Leprechaun Crunch
Mini Marshmallows
Chocolate Teddy Grahams
Green M&Ms (the mint variety, or pick the green ones out of a regular bag)
Chocolate Chips
Lucky Charms Cereal
Green Melting Chocolate (or melt white and add green food coloring)
Green Sprinkles
1. On a cookie sheet, mix together mini marshmallows, green M&Ms, pretzels, lucky charms cereal, teddy grahams, and chocolate chips
2. In a double broiler* stir melting chocolate continuously until melted
3. Pour Chocolate over the mixture in the pan
4. Immediately top with sprinkles
5. Place in fridge until the chocolate is set and hard
6. Break apart chunks and enjoy!!
* To make a double broiler: Fill a frying pan with enough water to cover the bottom of the pan, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Place a DRY bowl in the pan and add your chocolate inside the bowl. Stir continuously until melted. Do NOT let the chocolate get wet or it will be ruined!
We're 4 days and counting away from spring break! Have a great week friends!!! XO
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