The dog days of summer | Tuesdays with Jacob

The dog days of summer

October 24, 2011
The dog days of summer never end here in Florida! Late October, and a beautiful day at the beach!
let us go!!!!
not sure I like this wet stuff......
Leo's First Beach Trip
sleepy puppy on the way home :)
1 comment on "The dog days of summer"
  1. The purpose of the day is to honor these amazing creatures that give of themselves to soothe us, keep us secure, and save lives. These creatures risk their lives every day. There are dogs that rescue victims from horrible circumstances and wreckages, as well as those who guard our freedom and safety by sniffing out narcotics and explosives. We also offer service dogs for law enforcement, the blind, and the crippled. These dogs occupy significant positions in our lives, from these brave pets to our family companions, thus it is only fitting that we pay tribute to them.

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