I love (almost) free decor | Tuesdays with Jacob

I love (almost) free decor

February 20, 2011
A few weeks ago I found this great FREE printable at Simply Awesome Printables. (It's also available in solid brown, burgundy, or silver)

I've been debating for awhile what to do with it.

I grabbed a black frame at the dollar store and decided to hang it in the kitchen instead of the dining room because it matches the burgundy and silver theme going on there. Remember the clearance target towels?

The color scheme on this print is a perfect match.

I decided the best place to hang it was over the stove since that is where I spend most of my time in the kitchen. A nice reminder when I'm cooking :)
$1.00 well spent!
1 comment on "I love (almost) free decor"
  1. Love it. Very cute find. And GREAT pick for a new book. You'll love it. :)
