October 7th was a day unlike any other. It was the end of our second round of fertility drugs on our current protocol. (We had been doing various treatments on and off for two years) I woke up that morning not feeling any different but decided to take a pregnancy test since my nerves were getting the best of me. I waited for the test and swore I could see an extremely faint second line. Dan wasn't sure. Judge for yourself:
Then I realized before I left for work that the test was expired. I thought about that test all. day. long. Was I imagining a second line because I was hopeful? Was I setting myself up for disappointment? When I got home from school Dan had bought me a digital one. I was so nervous to take it. What if it was negative? I had spent the last 9 hours thinking I was possibly pregnant and a negative test would crush all that. But then this little word popped up right away:
My hands started shaking and I just couldn't believe it. We were over the moon excited!
The next day I went in for beta blood work that came back at 199 - definitely pregnant! Two days later I went again and it came back at 502 - a strong, doubled number that indicated baby was growing as he or she should! A few days latter, we were at 3,998!!!!
It's been a long, painful, journey to get here and we are feeling so blessed and lucky to be expecting!
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